Law and Development in High-Income Countries (2018)
Venue: Humboldt University Berlin – Faculty of Law, Room E 25, Unter den Linden 9, 10099 Berlin
The conference is open to the general public. There is no registration fee, but participants must register online at www.lawanddevelopment.net/registration2018.php no later than June 15, 2018.
Day 1: July 6, 2018
9:00am-9:30am | Registration |
9:30am–9:40am | Introductory Remarks by Professor Philipp Dann, Professor for Public and Comparative Law, Humboldt University |
9:40am–9:50am | Opening Statement by Prof. Y.S. Lee, Director and Professorial Fellow, The Law and Development Institute |
9:50am–10:00am | Welcome Address by Mr. Jan Schmidt, Editorial Director, DeGruyter |
10:00am–12:00pm | Panel 1: “Reflections on Law and Development scholarship: Where Does It Stand Today? What Does It Rest on?”” “Towards a Fourth Moment in Law and Development?” “Beyond the ‘Moments’ of Law and Development: Critical Reflections on Law and Development Scholarship in a Globalized Economy” “Freedom from Development” “Reflexive Law and Development: From Theory to Scholarship” |
11:55am–12:30pm | Q&A Session |
12:30pm–1:50pm | Lunch |
2:00pm–3:30pm | Panel 2: “Theoretical Frameworks for Law and Development: General Theory and Application” “General Theory of Law and Development” “Application of the General Theory to Botswana” “The Limits of Evidence-Based Regulation: The Case of Anti-Bribery Law” |
3:30pm–4:00pm | Q&A Session |
4:00pm–4:15pm | Coffee Break |
4:15pm–6:15pm | Panel 3: “Enhancement and Protection of Economic and Social Interests” “Taking Laws in Developing Countries: The Case for Clear and Precise Legal Norms on Eminent Domain Power” “New Institutions, Old Organizations: Legal Reforms in the Brazilian Housing Finance” “Contracting for Development: Law and Innovation Policies in Brazil” “Something Old, Something New – Which Way to Go for Rule of Law Projects in the Agenda 2030 Era?” |
6:15pm–6:45pm | Q&A Session |
6:45pm–7:00pm | Photo Session, First Day Closing |
7:00pm–9:00pm | Conference Dinner (speakers and invite guests only) |
Day 2: July 7, 2018
9:00am–9:30am | Registration |
9:30am–11:10am | Panel 4: “Development Governance and the Role of Development Agencies in the Development Process” “Between (Re-) Empowerment and (Hyper-) Conditionality: The Rise of Accountability-Oriented Governance in Development Cooperation” “World Bank Rulemaking and the Evolution of Global Order” “Mining Community Development in South Africa: A Critical Consideration of How the Law and Development Approach the Concept ‘Community’ ” “Institutional Responsiveness as an Instrument of Distributive Justice in India and China” |
11:10am–12:00pm | Q&A Session |
12:00am–12:15pm | Closing Statement by Prof. Y.S. Lee, The Law and Development Institute |