Law and Development in High-Income Countries (2019)
Venue: University of Dubai, University Center (Conference Room)
The conference is open to the general public. There is no registration fee, but participants must register online at www.lawanddevelopment.net/registration2019.php no later than November 15, 2019.
Day 1: December 7, 2019
9:00am-9:30am | Registration |
9:30am–9:35am | Opening Statement by Prof. Y.S. Lee, The Law and Development Institute |
9:35am–9:40am | Introductory Remarks by Dr. Mohammad Rababa, University of Dubai |
9:40am–9:45am | Welcome Address by President Eesa Mohammed Bastaki, University of Dubai |
9:45am–10:05am | Keynote Speech “A New Approach to Economic Development: Fighting Economic Crimes and Corruption – Looking at Islamic Law” Dr. Anicée Van Engeland, Cranfield University, U.K. |
10:05am–11:55pm | Panel 1: The Role of Law and Institutions for Development in the Islamic World “The Role of Law in Economic Development Process within the Context of the Islamic World: De-linking Oil and Gas projects and Re-linking Legal Reform” “Legal Origin and Islamic Finance Development: Further Evidence?” “Transaction of Sukuk in Dubai: Issues and Challenges” “Position and Jurisdictions of Shari’a Court in the Administration of Islamic Justice in Malaysia” “In Search of Justice – Can Islamic Law Fulfil Workers’ Rights?” |
11:55am–12:15pm | Q&A Session |
12:15pm–1:30pm | Lunch / Keynote speech “High Degree of Pecuniary Justice in Islamic Finance – Is the World Noticing?” (1:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.) Mr. Sohail Zubairi, Dubai Islamic Economic Development Center |
1:30pm–2:55pm | Panel 2: Islamic Perspective in Law and Development “Building Islamic Ethics into Development: Exploring the Role and Limitations of “Islamic” Microfinance in Poverty Alleviation: An Indonesian Case Study” “Integrating an Islamic Perspective into Constitution-Making in Post-Conflict Countries” “Islamic Finance as a Catalyst for an Alternative Islamic Approach to Intellectual Property Rights” Discussion, Prof. Y.S. Lee, The Law and Development Institute |
2:55pm–3:15pm | Q&A Session |
3:15pm–3:30pm | Coffee Break |
3:30pm–5:10pm | Panel 3: “Law” as a Bridge Between the Islamic and non-Islamic Worlds for Development “The Rise of Distinct Common Law Commercial Zones in Islamic Countries” “Ensuring the Effectiveness of Competition Policy: A Case Study of Cartel Criminalization” “Sharia Law and Its Impact on the Development of Muslim and Non-Muslim Business Relations in the UAE” |
5:10pm–5:30pm | Q&A Session |
5:30pm–5:40pm | Photo Session, First Day Closing |
7:00pm–8:30pm | Conference Dinner (speakers and invite guests only) |
Day 2: December 8, 2019
9:00am–9:20am | Registration / Keynote Speech TBA |
9:30am–11:10am | Panel 4: Arbitration and Development “The Corporate Duty to Contribute (Sustainable) Development from the Perspective of International Investment Arbitration” “The Clean Hands Doctrine Through the Looking-Glass of Investment Treaty Arbitration” “Some Ideas to Re-evaluate Arbitration to Promote Development through Investment” “Arbitration of Islamic Financial Disputes: Party-Autonomy Based Approach” |
9:30am–10:30am | Q&A Session |
11:30am–11:40am | Panel 5: Economic Crimes in the Context of Development and Rising Issues “The Challenges and Perspectives of the Complicated Relationship between Shari’a and Intellectual Property Rights” “Islamic Banking and Anti-Money Laundering Compliance in the UAE” “Approaching Instability in Thailand’s Deep South with Law and Development” |
11:30am–11:40am | Q&A Session |
11:40am–11:50am | Closing Statement by Prof. Y.S. Lee, The Law and Development Institute |