Law and Development in High-Income Countries (2021)
The Law and Development Institute and Bucerius Law School co-host the 2020 Law and Development Conference online. Twenty-one leading and emerging scholars and experts from North America, Europe, Latin America, and Asia present papers on key topics including the role of state, law, and institutions for economic development; poverty and inequality in high income countries and the role of law; law and social development: justice, corruption, and social responsibility; and international trade law, WTO, and rising issues.
Date: November 5 and 6, 2021
Online conference: access information will be provided to conference participants by the mid-October.
The conference is open to the general public. There is no registration fee, but participants must register online no later than October 15, 2021.Local contact: Ms. Martina Wagemann
(email) martina.wagemann@law-school.de
(phone) +49(0)4030706 (ext.) 250
Day 1: November 5, 2021 (in Hamburg Time)
3:00pm–3:05pm | Opening Statement by Prof. Y.S. Lee, The Law and Development Institute |
3:05pm–3:20pm | Keynote Speech “Law and Development in High Income Countries” Prof. Hans-Bernd Schäfer, Bucerius Law School |
3:20pm–4:35pm | Panel 1: Role of State, Law, and Institutions for Economic Development “Law and Economic Development in the United States: Towards a New Paradigm” “The Rule of Law and Its Social Reception as Determinants of Economic Development. A Comparative Analysis of Germany and Poland” “Are OECD Countries in a Rule of Law Recession?” “Facilitating Growth and Developing New Markets by Connecting to International Legal Frameworks” “Migration, Poverty, the Role of State, and Law and Development in the Industrialized Countries of Europe” |
4:35pm–4:50pm | Q&A Session |
4:50pm–5:10pm | Coffee Break |
5:10pm–6:10pm | Panel 2: Poverty and Inequality in High Income Countries and the Role of Law “A Fundamental Right to Equality of Opportunity in Europe?” “The Role of Law in Addressing Poverty and Inequality in High Income Countries: A Comparative View of the UK and Selected High Income Sub-Saharan African Countries” “International Cooperation without Just Distributions? Mapping the Role of Economic Inequality in the production of and Adherence to International Law” “The Role of Law in Tackling Poverty and Inequality in Saudi Arabia” |
6:10pm–6:25pm | Q&A Session |
6:25pm–7:25pm | Intermission |
7:25pm–8:40pm | Panel 3: Justice, Corruption, and Social Responsibility “The Role of Law and Legal System for Institutionally Integrating and Protecting the Status and Rights of Non-Citizens in Korea’s Diversifying Society” “Localization of the SDG5 – How International Gender Norms Change the Gender Equality Landscape in Japan?” “Ending Money Laundering” “The Place of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Legal Framework of Global Value Chains” “Unlocking Legal Gridlock in HIC: How Excessive Complaints Hamper Growth and Harm Democracy” |
8:40pm–8:55pm | Q&A Session |
8:55pm–9:00pm | First Day Closing |
Day 2: November 6, 2021
3:00pm–4:00pm | Panel 4: International Trade Law, WTO, and Rising Issues “Mercantilist Bilateralism or Rules-Based Multilateralism? Developed Countries Revisit a Key International Trade Debate” “Commercializing University Research: Lessons from the United States for Economic Development” “The Courts and Corporate Executive Compensation in Canada” “The Digital Economy, Law and Scarcity of Opportunity” |
4:00pm–4:15pm | Q&A Session |
4:15pm–4:20pm | Closing Statement by Prof. Y.S. Lee, The Law and Development Institute |